Friends of IT4Kids

Help create structural sports opportunities and become a Friend of IT4Kids.
At IT4Kids, we believe in the power of sports to change children’s lives. Unfortunately, not all children have equal access to sports due to financial or physical challenges. That’s why we strive to create structural sports opportunities for those who otherwise wouldn’t have them.
Friends of IT4Kids is our program that amplifies the impact. As a Friend of IT4Kids, you can join us in making a difference for this target group, not just now, but especially in the long term.
How does it work? By donating a consistent amount for a minimum of 3 years, you become a Friend of IT4Kids. The donation amount can vary between €1000, €5000, €10.000 en €15000, or any other amount that suits you. This long-term commitment enables us to consistently provide sports opportunities to children who need it most.
What are the benefits? As a Friend of IT4Kids, you become part of a community dedicated to positive change. You will be regularly informed about the impact of your donation and have the opportunity to participate in special events.
Thanks to the support of our Friends, we were able to provide structural sports opportunities for 10,000 children in 2023. As a Friend of IT4Kids, you truly make a difference for financially and physically vulnerable children in the Netherlands. Will you become a Friend of IT4Kids too?
You can email Colette Zee to inquire about the possibilities at
Read the terms and conditions here.
What do Friends of IT4Kids say?

Our Friends of IT4Kids

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Friends of IT4Kids interviews

Sc.Tiger renews and remains Friends of IT4Kids
Sc.Tiger renews and remains Friends of IT4Kids For the continuous creation of sports opportunities The brothers Rakesh and Chander Baktawar have decided to provide ongoing

Interview: Sport, a Better Life, and Sustainability Converge
Sport, een beter leven en duurzaamheid komen samen Interview met Dirk Wierenga van Eleiko From a Corporate Gym, Dirk Wierenga shared his passion for sports

IT4Kids welcomes Sc.Tiger as a new Friend of IT4Kids!
IT4Kids welcomes Sc.Tiger as a new Friend of IT4Kids! Turning data into insights is what Sc.Tiger helps businesses achieve. Chander Baktawar and Rakesh Baktawar started

Eleiko is Friends of IT4Kids
Eleiko is Friends of IT4Kids If you’ve ever been to the gym, you’ve probably heard of Eleiko. It’s a company that designs and manufactures equipment

Foundation DLW of PCI Netherlands is a Friend of IT4Kids
Stichting DLW van PCI Nederland is Friends of IT4Kids Since 2019, IT4Kids and Stichting Door Leren Wijzer (DLW) have joined forces to pursue IT4Kids’ ambition.