N.E.C. Maatschappelijk

N.E.C. Maatschappelijk & IT4Kids

N.E.C. Maatschappelijk wants to encourage involvement, solidarity and quality of life in neighborhoods and streets through sports, health and safety. With the N.E.C. United project, approximately 16 children per district (in a total of three districts) are given sports lessons twice a week for a year. Children are supported in their daily lives, so that they can continue to benefit from the skills learned even after the lessons. We have found that 90% of the children who participate in the N.E.C. United project become members of an association. IT4Kids supports the sustainable program of N.E.C. United.

About N.E.C. Maatschappelijk

N.E.C. Maatschappelijk focuses on every resident of the Rijk of Nijmegen. They do so through icons of the club, the N.E.C. brand and the inspiring environment of the stadium. One of the projects of N.E.C. Maatschappelijk is N.E.C. United. This project focuses on the talent development of youth from neighborhoods in Nijmegen. The aim of this project is to strengthen the connection in the neighborhood and to develop the skills of the youth participating in the project. The participants receive sports lessons twice a week, in which they also learn various life and top athlete skills.

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